Fern Tree

Fern Tree

The tree ferns are the ferns that grow with a trunk elevating the fronds above ground level. Most tree ferns are members of the "core tree ferns", belonging to the families DicksoniaceaeMetaxyaceae, and Cibotiaceae in the order Cyatheales.

In addition to those families, many ferns in other groups may be considered tree ferns, such as several ferns in the family Osmundaceae, which can achieve short trunks under a metre tall, and particularly ferns in the genus Cibotium, which can grow ten metres tall. Fern species with short trunks in the genera Blechnum, Calochleana, Cnemedaria, Culcita (Europe's only tree fern), CystodiumLeptopterisLophosoriaSadleriaThyrsopteris and Todea could also be considered tree ferns in a liberal interpretation of the term.